Why Partner with Renewa?
Lower Cost of Capital, Risk-sharing, Streamlined Closing and More
Transactions Across the Project Lifecycle
Renewa understands the challenges of the development process and offers unique solutions throughout the lifecycle.
- Development: finance land positions pre-NTP as an alternative to more expensive sources of capital
- Construction: optimize project capital stack in conjunction with tax equity, debt, and equity
- Operations: recycle capital and extract liquidity from legacy land holdings
Sale-Leaseback Transactions Unlock Capital and Provide Liquidity
Project Lifecycle
Site identified and first phase of diligence complete
Some key development milestones complete, while others remain outstanding
Shovel-ready or near
Notice to Proceed
From start of construction through COD
Commercial Operations Date
Project is operational and beyond
Renewa Partners with Developers Across the Project Lifecycle
Case Studies
A trusted partner to leading energy developers.
Work With Us
Tell us about your development project and see how we can help make it happen.
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